Gaglini Law Group, LLC
One Boston Place
Suite 2600
Boston, MA 02108
617.350.5510 (Boston)
508.872.9700 (Metrowest)
508.872.9701 (fax)
Entertainment Law: Music
The Music industry has changed drastically with the advent of the downloadable single and the proliferation of music sharing. If you seek assistance with:
- contracts, licensing and negotiation
- digital rights
- recording
- production
- management
- agency
- merchandising
- songwriting
- music publishing
- synchronization/master use
- sponsorship
- protection of intellectual property
- copyright registration/trademark/servicemark
Gaglini Law Group, LLC
One Boston Place
Suite 2600
Boston, MA 02108
617.350.5510 (Boston)
508.872.9700 (Metrowest)
508.872.9701 (fax)

Sally R. Gaglini HONORED
as a Top Women of Law 2014
by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly